Welcome to my {daily} post as part of the #BlogHer National Blogging PostingMonth! Or as its more commonly known…NaBloPoMo. Each month there will be a theme, and each day there is a “raw” writing challenge. Each weekend, we are left to our devices to dabble as we please. Length is not a requirement, not even words…only creativity. And the determination to write/post each day, every day, uniquely to the task at hand.
WINNING. Not the Charlie Sheen way. But really winning. Winning money ~ winning clothes ~ winning prizes or gift cards ~ winning espresso makers and a year of free pizza products. Winning a dual monitor computer system and complete blogging package. Winning money. Oh, my heart jumps at everything that I’m prized; But nothing holds that special *gasp* in my lungs and flutter in my heart like winning cold-hard-cash.
That would also be why I love to use coupons too. People prize dollar bills so highly but its the same paper as what I clip out of the Sunday News each week. To see how I can combine the savings with weekly sales or in-store promotions is actually pretty thrilling. I practically hyperventilate when the cashier is ringing up the tab. To think that people actually pay $12 bucks and sit in a dark room with popcorn for this kind of drama. All I have to do is go grocery shopping.
Some are addicted to gambling. Others yearn for a great hunt. Me? I have to Save or Sweep. Enter sweepstakes that is. Honestly I don’t know what is better…winning the contests or holding my own. Hence, the life of a blogger for me is right up my alley so-to-speak. Add in knowing the hottest deals, the best freebies and getting to promote awesome products? Maybe Charlie is onto something.
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