Welcome to my {daily} post as part of the #BlogHer National Blogging PostingMonth! Or as its more commonly known…NaBloPoMo. Each month there will be a theme, and each day there is a “raw” writing challenge. Each weekend, we are left to our devices to dabble as we please. Length is not a requirement, not even words…only creativity. And the determination to write/post each day, every day, uniquely to the task at hand.
So tell me…are you the type of person who will “look” before you leap into something? I have to admit, as a perpetual planner I have to always look. I love to research and find the better deal, nicer rental, or better route. Oh trust me, I do leap at a great opportunity, fantastic deal, or say a Date Night with the Hubs. But that is only because at one time, I still looked in that direction to be better prepared for anything that came my way. Does it make life boring? Far from it. I’m way too idealistic and imaginative to only live life when it happens. If anything, it tends to make me too ambitious.
Would you agree? Are you the progressive planner or the wild-oats be sewn kind of person?
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