Kids. Seriously…my belle has only just turned four and the Battle O’ Wills has begun. I was once warned of the Sass & Whine stage. {That is her Sass and my glass of Whine.} But OMG…where did my little sweet girl go?
So enter our current trial of Preschooler vs Parents: Antibiotics. We got our goo of choice flavored to bubblegum but it will not hinder the bitter aftertaste. We’ve cajoled, construed, and tried convincing her in every possible way that she NEEDS to take this medicine. It is now Day 2: Dose 4 and its seemed like two weeks and dose 40 at this point. We’re already exhausted of a twice daily torment ending in bear hugs, medicine droppers, and {crocodile} tears.
I like the idea of mixing it in a bit of pudding but forgot to get out to get any. So I get the brilliant idea of using our last packet of Kool-Aid to mix in a sprinkling to cover the bitter with a touch of tart. She likes sour patch kids = great idea right? Wrong. Note to self. Never buy lime-green drink mix again.
Oh it looked interesting enough to get her attention. But that sneaky little pip-squeek was too fast and dipped her finger for a taste instead of the good slurp I was hoping for. It took all of two seconds for her to turn into a cross between Mr. Hyde and the Hulk. Because at this point the green goo was going in and she knew it.
A tantrum filled two minutes later, the couch was {miraculously} still white. But I realized that I’ll probably be finding random green spittle marks everywhere else for the next 6 months. So for all you who hath gone before me; What do you use to get these pesky little people {that we love to call our own} to just take their medicine?
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