This past weekend I had the utter {and awesome} experience of being a Graco Hostess at Babies R Us. The national event was hosted in 50 different cities across the US and showcased the new Graco Snug Ride Click Connect 40. This featured product is one of a kind, not only in design but comfort for BOTH child and parent. How is that possible you ask?
Because this Graco Click-Connect-40 car seat can adapt and expand to keep your child comfortable from ages 0-2 years old! Its the same adjustable design that gives parents the bonus of knowing they can utilize the rear-facing position for an additional year with less daily complications. Everyone was really impressed with the sliding base design that accommodates the child as they grow. Personally I was also fascinated by the new sliding harness design. No more threading straps or questioning ill-fitting slot heights; Just a simple adjustment in the back solves all those time-consuming fitting issues.

But don’t just take my word for it. Check out what the great folks over at Graco are saying about this incredible new car seat!
The Graco SnugRide® Click Connect™ 40 – the first and only newborn to two-year infant car seat that actually grows with your baby from four pounds all the way up to 40 pounds. The car seat is designed for a parent on the go. The infant car seat can be easily removed from the base and used as a carrier when the infant is small, providing portability and convenience so you can easily move your infant in and out of the car without disturbing them.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recently made the recommendation to keep all children in rear-facing car seats until the age of 2. Graco set out to make this product so parents can keep infants rear facing longer while still keeping them comfortable.
It was great to share all these new features and patterns for the new Click-Connect Graco system. Having using the Classic-Connect system with my daughter I could immediately notice the new benefits. The car seat is lighter for one {which is such a blessing as the baby gets heavier}. And the very audible one-click connection locks the car seat whether to the base or a stroller. Currently you can find two great patterns to choose from {the Mena and the Moonstruck}, but more will be coming as early as January of 2013.

As a parent, we always want the best for our children. And I feel that any parent given the resources will do what is best for the child. So its really great to *finally* see a brand develop a product that meets both the recommendations for safety as well as affordability. And that doesn’t even begin to commend the added benefit of on-the-go travel system dependability.
You can find the Graco Snug Ride Click-Connect-40 at Babies R Us for $219. There are also three {3} Graco Click-Connect strollers to choose from in a variety of designs, starting at $149. {Prices subject to change. Check your local Babies R Us for more details.}
Yes, babies are expensive. They need so much and they {literally} grow out of it SO fast! So its a definite plus to know your buying a product that can actually be called an investment. Not because of the price of the Graco Snug Ride Click-Connect-40; But rather because of the long-term value that you’ll be getting out of it.

But wait! I’m not done yet! How about entering for the chance to WIN a $25 Babies R Us gift card! Just fill out the Promo Simple entries you like below! Sweepstakes is open worldwide, to those 18+ {void where prohibited}. Winner will be announced on November 2nd, 2012.
Roasted Disclosure: This content has been compensated as part of a sponsored event by Graco. Therefore this sponsored post has been written by me on behalf of the Graco brand. All insights, comments, and opinions are my own. Thank you.#GracoSafety
Amber (Metro Detroit Mommy) says
I love the 40lb weight limit