I love this time of the year. The crisp weather, the honey-crisp apples, the pumpkins, and the changing leaves! All of it just makes me breathe deep and appreciate life. If I had been a nomad in a previous life, then this is when that echoed existence awakens. Its just always been the best and most creative time of the year for me.
In fact, I love this season SO much that when my boyfriend of FOUR years proposed in July of 2004; We were married just 3 months later. And no…I wasn’t pregnant {LOL}. I’d simply waited long enough to get that vintage ring on my finger. And I wasn’t waiting another year to accept a new last name as well. Plus, I had a pretty solid inkling that he was the One since day one.
How did we meet you ask? AOL Love. I know…totally dates me doesn’t it? {Pun totally intended.} But yup, way back then AOL Love was the hottest place to meet Mr. Right. {Or for other people, Mr. Right Now.} But we are one of the few online dating stories that made it to the alter. We chatted online, and then the phone…and eventually in person. And now; 12 years long, 8 years wide, and two {incredible} kids later? We’re celebrating another Anniversary today!
Want to know what else makes me feel old as I reflect on our nostalgia? Realizing that all my “dating” pictures are PRE-digital. I do remember taking a “digital” camera with us on our honeymoon. Which doesn’t sound too bad except that saved the pictures to a FLOPPY DISK.
So as we continue to scan our past into our present to keep for the future; I thought I’d share a quick pic with you. Tomorrow I’ll post a few of our wedding. And later this week I’ll be back to share what I’ve learned most from marriage, kids, and family.
How about you? Do you have a great dating story?
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