This sponsored post has been brought to you by the Nutrisystem Blogger Program. As always my thoughts and opinions, and weight loss experiences are my own. Thank you.
While this is my first time using a formal weight loss plan such as Nutrisystem, this isn’t my first rodeo on the weight loss circuit. This is now the third time I’ve pushed the scale to 235+ in my life. And hopefully its that final charm that keeps me healthy from this point forward.
Weight Loss Lesson #1: Exercise and support is key.
The first time, I was 19 and realized if I didn’t do something drastic I’d never change my habits or health. So after traveling the west coast helping others with AmeriCorp *NCCC I lost 80 pounds in 10 months. How? They regulated that I work out 3x a week for 30 minutes a day. Well, that and the fact it was the furthest thing from a desk job. Also having living and working with my team gave an extra bonus of living a healthier lifestyle as well.
Weight Loss Lesson #2: Lose weight for YOU.
The second time I hit that dreaded number, was just before I got married. I’d ballooned up again w/the happiness of finding a fellow foodie to share the calories with. I lost 60 pounds in 6 months to find all the joys of wedding dress fittings to autumn nuptial glamour. But I surmised one day after looking in the mirror that I can’t expect anyone to love me forever if I didn’t even like myself first.
And honestly, I really did keep it off. I didn’t have any issues until we had troubles with infertility five years later. Ah, those great speed-bumps in the road to happiness right? I did end up being successful in becoming a Momma, twice in fact. But by then I’d padded up my body from previous pregnancy attempts. And both high-risk pregnancies for my son and daughter, were stressful and had me eating for comfort and support.
Weight Loss Lesson #3: Forgive the fat.
Before, the weight was easier lose. I had gained it for different reasons, and those reasons were easier to accept, correct, and forgive. But those past weight loss stories didn’t involve traumatic emotional baggage and were easier to rectify. This time, I’m losing “baby weight”. And in some cases, it was all I kept.
So here I am again, looking at my first weight loss goal of losing 60 pounds, of which I’m 13 pounds successful. I’ve stalled a bit these past two weeks, which is frustrating by itself. I am committed to reaching my goal, its just been hard to move past this present fat-lodged emotional hurdle. The process wants to keep me sad; and that only leads to not eating enough or sleeping well, which only end in my feeling sluggish.
Overall, my entire weight loss goal will be to lost a total of 80 pounds. Is it a challenge I choose everyday? You bet. But I know I’ve done it before, can do it again, and finally…have learned exactly what I need to maintain a healthy weight permanently. So as I gear up for the next week, what inspires you to stay healthy?
Want to join me on a new road to health and weight loss using Nutrisystem? Then join today by calling {1.888.853.4689} or by visiting {
Disclosure: This weight loss program has been sponsored by the Nutrisystem Nation blogger program. As a participant, Nutrisystem has provided a complimentary weight loss plan for my honest review. Please note that the opinions, thoughts, and experience are my own. Thank you.
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