Here is a ongoing list of all Disclosure, Privacy, and related Terms & Conditions related to {}. Should you have any questions regarding the information found below, feel free to contact me at info[at]roastedbeanz{dot}com. Thank you.
Official Rules
By definition, Roasted Beanz arranges, manages, or otherwise sponsors what is actually defined as a “Sweepstakes”. A sweepstakes is a prize giveaway where the winners are chosen by random number generators. In the event of a contest, the winner will be chosen manually by merit. Should the entry form showing the winner ever be deleted; You can still find the winners information by viewing the sweepstakes winners page or by contacting Roasted Beanz at info[at]roastedbeanz{dot}com.
For all intents and purposes to communicate best with the general public lingo, these such aptly defined “Sweepstakes” are commonly promoted simply as “Giveaways”.